The increasing Amazonic devastation and its uncontrolled economical exploitation, alerted my environmental awareness which I feel I must transmit through my work.In order to capture this idea I used the moulage,humid felting and carding techniques applied on the fabrics, creating visual roomy bodies,with asymetric shapes that express all my feelings and thoughts.
This Project is born by fusing my eco thinking with the work of abstract sculptor Marina Núñez de Prado, where I propose figures and forms that portrait de voracity of a society that consumes natural resources unlimitedly.Ethereal figures, tridimensional, with strong volumes will be the main focus, reflecting on the destruction of the most beautiful thing we have in this world: Nature.
Natural fibres, and recycled fabrics from former collections.Merino Wool, Gotland curly wool, dark wool fabrics, textured wool fabrics.Felting created with silk organzaand silk tulle leftovers mixed by hand with human hair.